ID. Art: Tech Exhibition, Exhibition Catalogue, edited by Gryaznova Lidiya, Printing Premium-Press, 2019.
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This catalogue was published on the occasion of the ID. Art: Tech Exhibition, which was dedicated to the ID as a phenomenon with wide scatter of meanings — from the term in psychoanalysis (id) to the document that certifies one’s identity (ID). The exhibition were featured works by the contemporary authors from Russia, Italy, Great Britain, USA, Belgium, France, Norway as well as artworks by the classics of the 20th century. The project also was united in one space the Soviet nonofficial art from Frants Family Collection and Kolodzei Art Foundation, video-, sound-, net-art, photography, installation and everyday objects.
Glebova Tatyana, Samokhvalov Aleksandr, Vasmi Richard, Yashke Vladimir, Shapanikov Mikhail, Alekseeva Marina, Andersen Karin, Rannev Vladimir, Belova Ludmila, Elena Gubanova and Ivan Govorkov, Bartenev Andrei, Belyi Peter, Dementieva Alexandra, Elwes Jake, Liberovskaya Katherine, Niblock Phill, Lyakh Nataliya, Komarov Sergey, Grachev Alexey, Puppi Daniele, Terebenin Aleksandr, Tuleubek Ayatgali, Frants Anna, Zaker Farniyaz, Zverev Anatoly, Kabakov Ilya, Cherkashin Valery, Belenok Pyotr, Bakhchanyan Vagrich, Bulatov Erik, Koleichuk Viacheslav, Asya Dodina and Slava Polishchuk, Gorokhovsky Eduard, Kupriyanov Vladimir, Lapin Leonhard, Vassiliev Oleg, Volochov Sergej, Yulikov Alexander, Rubashkin Samuil, Gromov Valentin, Gudzenko Rodion, Kuperwasser Tatiana, Nisenbaum Leon, Proshkin Victor, Ivanov Igor, Rossin Solomon

ID. Art: CYLAND/CYFEST, Exhibition Catalogue, edited by Karasik Marina, Gryaznova Lidiya, Mikhalina Yana, Nabokova Olga, 2019.
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The catalogue is for the 12th International Media Art Festival "Cyberfest." The theme for 2019 was "ID." The event spanned seven venues in Saint Petersburg, where the public experienced works in the fields of new media, virtual reality, robotics, video art, sound art, and net art.
Levy Ellen K., Menlibaeva Almagul, Tsyrlina Anna, Cerami Franz, Shishkin‑Hokusai Alexander, Aizek, Necko, Gryaznova Lidiya, Cortés Malitzin, Kudryavtseva Sophia, Schmid Max Philipp, Abikh Vladimir, Benito Marisa, Kalabin Sergey, Olynyk Patricia, Hosseini Mahta, Addis Jack, Boldon Alan, Grachev Alexey, Rannev Vladimir, Rusakova Anastasiya, Sysoeva Ekaterina, Citron | Lunardi, Veldhoven Wouter van, Godovannaya Masha, Danzis Mascha, Indolfi Isabella, K. Vasiliy, Lyakh Nataliya, Longchamp Yann, Puppi Daniele, Agroskin Semyon, Dementieva Alexandra, Masoud Reza, Endless Attractions Museum, Ragimov Kerim, Nivet-Carzon Jerome, Latham Daisy, Reinhart Martin, Evtyugina Anna, Patrakeev Denis, Teterin Sergei, Pugliese Roberto, Khaiman Eduard, Shokhov Nikita, Yanagi Kazu, Baars Girilal, Bartlett Yves, Klingemann Mario, Lee Marc, McCorkle Summer, Papadopoulou Gioula, Andersen Karin, Goguey Félicien, Zinziver Polina, Komarov Sergey, Lengelé Quentin, Netzhammer Yves, Terebenin Aleksandr, Strukov Vlad, Page Bryan, Rainio Tuomo, Thompson Nye, Bioroboty 019, Belorukov Ilya, Gubanova Elena, Dymdymarchenko Aleksey, Ilyushkina Victoria, Catricalà Valentino, Rosenboom David, Czeglédy Nina, Chernykh Yanina, Ivanov Aleksandr, Lin Zoey, Montgomery Virginia Lee, Hisse Bianca, Artemenko Elena, Bayer Emma, Belova Ludmila, Blinova Marina, Widrich Virgil, Lerman Alexandra, Gannis Carla, Latham William, Di Hu, Alg, Voskopoulou Angelina, DVENEODNA, Díaz-Kommonen Lily, Liedwart Kurt, Nikolaeva Alisa, Putnam Lance, Hambleton Joe, Zaker Farniyaz, Ignatiev Pavel, Frants Anna, Iandovka Sid, MASBEDO, KMPST, Kymatic Ensemble, Roland Dominique, Hruby Erica, Alekseeva Marina, Akamatsu Nelo, Govorkov Ivan, Deumier Sandrine, Egorova Varvara, Karlov Sergey, Lattré Bram
ISLAM IT'S ALSO OUR HISTORY: Fields of Influence on European Art, Institut für Kulturaustausch, Tübingen, Germany, 2017.
"Who know himself and others well no longer may ignore: Orient and Occident dwell separately no more." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe1819
The catalogue is published in cinjuction with the multinational Creative Europe Project Islam It's Also Our History.
Arte Laguna Prize 13.14, Finalists Collective Exhibition, Italy, 2014.
Link to Catalogue

Curator: Igor Zanti
Language: Italian and English
Pages: 176, Paperback
Size: 30×30 cm

Islamic Arts Festival - I.A.F., 2014 (16th edition), Exhibition Catalogue, United Arab Emirates, Shj Gov.
Publisher: Department of Culture & Information - Art Directorate, P.O.Box: 5119 - Tel: +97165123333
The 16th edition of the festival began on January 6 and coincided with the emirate’s celebration of being named the capital of Islamic Culture for 2014. There were 46 exhibitions and 731 artworks showcased.

The Wall Of Europe, Exhibition Catalogue, Paese Museo, San Sperate-Sardinia, Italy, 2013.
Link to Catalogue

"The Wall of Europe" was an urban art workshop that aimed to create a significant work capable of overturning the concept of division associated with the physical, institutional, or ideological walls that had divided Europe for many years, and in some cases, still divide it. The workshop had its center of operations in San Sperate, a town in Sardinia (Italy). The workshop began on June 15th, 2013, and concluded on June 26th, 2013.
1000 ARTISTS, 100 NATIONS, 10 DAYS, Exhibition Catalogue, World Event Young Artists, 2012.
Link to Catalogue
Foreword: Silke Pillinger: Director, World Event Young Artists 2012; Editor/Copywriter: Ian Oxlade; Design: Joff and Ollie
In September 2012 Nottingham Trent University welcomed the World Event Young Artists 2012 (WEYA), an exciting programme of exhibitions and events as part of the vibrant and globally significant Nottingham finale to the 2012 Cultural Olympiad. This directional and unique event brought together 1,000 artists, from 100 nations, over a period of ten days and was the first of its kind in the world. It was hosted by a number of key partner institutions offering world class venues, of which Nottingham Trent University is proud to be a part.
For full details including event listings and galleries please visit the World Event Young Artists (now UK New Artists) webpages.

Art as a Mode of Enquiry: In-Site, Exhibition Catalogue, edited byJess Draper, Hilary Floe, Sohin Hwang, Natalie Sanderson, Vid Simoniti and Farniyaz Zaker, 2012.
Link toWebsite

John Ruskin, the famous Victorian writer and art critic, opened the Ruskin School of Drawing within what was then called the University Galleries – The Ashmolean Museum to be – in 1871. It remained there for more than a century, only moving to its current premises at 74 High Street in 1974. In-Site aims to initiate a new dialogue between the Ruskin’s doctoral students and the museum. While there have been contemporary art exhibitions at the Ashmolean before, this is the first one to be integrated directly into the permanent collection. In rising to this challenge, we hope to draw out the relevance the two institutions – a museum and an art school – might still have for each other.
We have chosen ‘art as a mode of enquiry’ as the theme for this interaction. The museum is an institution dedicated to the collection and archiving of objects which have been identified as culturally significant, and conserved for preservation of heritage. As such, the museum has always been seen as a repository of knowledge; collected items become triggers of memory, both personal and collective, through which social histories are constructed. However, art is no less in the business of enquiry. At its best, it upsets our preconceptions, throws new light on matters at hand, and brings a new perspective to bear. This is the aim of the artists of In-Site. Rather than speak from the supposedly neutral space of a gallery, the artworks on display here derive their meaning through an integrated response to the permanent collection of the Ashmolean. As installations, film projections, performances and curatorial interventions, the works enter the contested space of the museum to destabilise established narratives, and to allow history and heritage to be interpreted as fluid and multiple.
Artistic interventions here on show are as varied as art is today. Some works carry their meaning on their sleeve; others are more elusive. Some grapple with particular political and historical assumptions; others take more universal, existential or aesthetic concerns to heart. Within this multitude, though, the goals of the artists and of the museum do not come apart. The Ashmolean has always been a place of discovery and re-discovery, and we hope that our works add to this process. We hope they ignite a new, critical curiosity in the viewer, and allow new readings and emphases to emerge.
Ruskin DPhil Curatorial and Editorial Committee:
Jess Draper
Hilary Floe
Sohin Hwang
Natalie Sanderson
Vid Simoniti
Farniyaz Zaker

International Print Biennale 2011, Exhibition Catalogue, foreword by Ian Watson, Northen Print, Stepney Bank, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2011.
Purchase Here
Email: enquiry@northenprint.org.uk
Derek Michael Besant | Janet Mullarney | Aoife McGarrigle | Jennifer E. Price | Katsutoshi Yuasa | Paul Coldwell | Elizabeth Boast | Lauren Drescher | Becky Haughton | Dawn Cole | Chris D. Thomas | Eirini Boutasi | Ian Brown | Rew Hanks | Marta Lech | Jessica Harrison | Stefanie Dykes | Emmanuelle Giora | Nick Fox | Michael Donnelly | Farniyaz Zaker | Ioannis Belimpasakis | Fatima Ferreira | Nicholas Devison | Sunju Lee | Debi Keable | Reetta Hiltunen | Marcel Cowling | Lihie Talmor | Mustafa Faruki | Cat Jensen | Zenon Burdy | Gethin Wyn Jones | Danielle Creenaune | Eve Marguerite Allen | Sarah Gittins | Yiannis Baltagiannis | Bodil Frendberg | Stephen McNulty | Mariana Moranduzzo | Danielle Abbiate | Marcin Bialas | Carolyn Bunt | James Hugonin | Robin Duttson | Barthélémy Toguo
This Leads Here, Exhibition Catalogue, This Leads Here: MA Show 2009, Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton, 2009.
Link to Catalogue

Kaveh Golestan Annual Award and Exhibition, Exhibition Catalogue, Nashre Digar Publishing House, Tehran, Iran, 2003.
Purachse here
اسامی عکاسان صاحب اثر در این کتاب به این ترتیب معرفی شده است:
بهاره اصلانی، خلیل امامی، مریم بخشی، نیوشا توکلیان، کامران جبرئیلی، محمدرضا حبیب الهی، مارال حسینی، نصرالله حاجی حمید فروتن، علی خلیق، محمد خیرخواه، فرنیاز ذاکر، بهنام رضازاده، حجت الله سپه وند، سیدحمید سیدی، حسن سربخشیان، علی سراج همدانی، مجتبی سرانجام پور، حسین شفیعی نیا، عطالله طاهرکناره، فرامرز عامل بردبار، علیرضا عطاریانی، کورش عسکری، محمدرضا علی مددی، آرش فایض، محمدرضا فرطوسی، کارن فیروز، وحید فرجی، جمشیدفرجوند فردا، هنگامه فهیمی، جعفر کبوتری، محمدعلی کریمی پور، عباس کوثری، حمیدرضا مجیدی، مریم محمدی، غلامرضا مسعودی، ستاره معصوم بیگی، احمد معینی جم، زیبا مغربی، جواد منتظری، ناز موسوی، مرتضی نورمحمدی، قدیر وقاری شورچه، علی رضا سعیدهارویان، آرش یدالهی، آزاده بهکیش، ابراهیم بهرامی، مرتضی پایه شناس، مهگامه پروانه، جاوید تفضلی، رضا جلالی، تینا چینی چیان، امید حبیب طاری فرد، امیر خلوصی، مرضیه خورسند، اسماعیل داوری، آرمین ذوقی، پریزاد رادگودرزی، محمدرازدشت، علیرضا رحمانی، بهنام رضا زاده، مجید سعیدی، منا سرتوه، محمدرضا شریف زاده، شاهین شهابلو، امید صالحی، محمدعلی صباغی قراجه، مهدی عراقچیان، حمیدرضا عدل افشار، پریسا عظیمی پور، مزدک عیاری، سعید فرجی، مهدی قاسمی، پیام قلی زاده، حسن قائدی، کتایون کرمی، منصوره معتمدی، میثم محمدی محفوظ، یلدا معیری، فرامرز میراحمدی، رضا معطریان.